24 Jesus got up and went away from there to the region of Tyre. And when He had entered a house, He wanted no one to know of it; yet He could not escape notice.That's the cross that superstars have to bear (pun intended)! You can rarely go somewhere incognito. But at least the paparazzi didn't have cams at the time.
25 But after hearing of Him, a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit immediately came and fell at His feet.So even kids could be possessed by unclean spirits/demons. This would explain a lot and it seems like things haven't really improved from that time ... Although we don't have someone to cast the demons out anymore. But couldn't Jesus do that remotely from Heaven?
32 They brought to Him one who was deaf and spoke with difficulty, and they implored Him to lay His hand on him. 33 Jesus took him aside from the crowd, byMel Gibson should have made this scene into a movie as well! Just imagine it: Jesus puts his fingers into the man's ears, then takes them out again, spits into his hand and touches the mute's tongue with his saliva. That's some nice voodoo! And one could even imagine a wilder scene if he had to have his fingers in the man's ears and touch the man tongue with his saliva at the same time before he was able to sigh (is he annoyed?) and utter the magical word ...
himself, and put His fingers into his ears, and after spitting, He touched his tongue with the saliva; 34 and looking up to heaven with a deep sigh, He said to him, "Ephphatha!" that is, "Be opened!"
36 And He gave them orders not to tell anyone; but the more He ordered them, the more widely they continued to proclaim it.
Even if the Son wasn't omniscient, shouldn't he have known after some time that it was counterproductive to tell them not to tell any one? Or was that actually secretly his aim? That people should talk even more about it?
There does seem to be this strange back and forth in Mark, at one time Jesus wants no one to know who he is until the right time, and yet the writers can't seem to stop making everyone talk about him. Yet when you get to the end there's a section about how the women never told anyone about his ressurection implying that the story wasn't widely known before the gospel was written. I wonder if the sections where everyone was amazed by Jesus and talked about him were later additions when the story was more well known in the writers time?
That might explain the incoherence. I would have to look that up but it's a fact that some verses that are now part of the gospels can't be found in the oldest, known manuscripts (like the added ending in Mark after the text says that the women were afraid and didn't tell anyone). So it might be that they've added or changed other verses as well.
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